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Nano Point Scanner

Inspection Engineering > Products > Nano Point Scanner

The Nano Point Scanner is a white light confocal point sensor integrated into a precision measuring platform. With this system users can make submicron altitude measurements on any type of surface in a non-contact manor.

Why does this matter? Because users can very quickly scan a surface for 2D and 3D surface topography which translates into surface finish information. Now that ISO 25178-602 includes this kind of confocal technology, users are measuring surfaces previously too small to access with a traditional surface roughness tester (profilometer).

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The Nano Point Scanner from Hirox also lends itself to accurately detailing small geometry, shapes and forms. This is similar to a contour tracer, but with an even smaller detail capability and in a 3D format.  When the smallest details matter, Hirox will evaluate and document profile, geometry and roughness.

Take a look at the features below:

The Machine

point scanner

The Roughness

surface roughness

The Profile
