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These ring gages make setting your bore gage fast, easy and reliable. ?Ring gages are mobile so users can have them in their workspace for regular testing. ?Mitutoyo ring gages come in sizes that allow for overlap between bore gage sizes. ?This helps reduce the number of rings you have to keep in stock. ?And of course we offer calibration if you need it!

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 3 in
Select Model

.16in P/N 177-206, .24in P/N 177-207, .275in P/N 177-281, .35in P/N 177-179, .425in P/N 177-283, .50in P/N 177-180, .60in P/N 177-181, .65in P/N 177-182, .70in P/N 177-183, .80in P/N 177-287, 1.0in P/N 177-184, 1.2in P/N 177-289, 1.4in P/N 177-185, 1.6in P/N 177-291, 1.8in P/N 177-186, 2.0in P/N 177-187, 2.4in P/N 177-293, 2.5in P/N 177-315, 2.8in P/N 177-188, 3.0in P/N 177-317, 3.2in P/N 177-295, 3.5in P/N 177-319, 3.6in P/N 177-189, 4.0in P/N 177-297, 5.0in P/N 177-299, 6.0in P/N 177-301, 7.0in P/N 177-303, 8.0in P/N 177-305, 9.0in P/N 177-307, 10.0in P/N 177-309, 11.0in P/N 177-311, 12.0in P/N 177-313